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Part 2of2 The Massive Upside of Hiring Felons: Thomas Vozzo

Part 2of2 The Massive Upside of Hiring Felons: Thomas Vozzo

Part 2: The Massive Upside of Hiring Felons

What can we learn about business and leadership from former gang members? The answer is a lot!

Homeboy Industries. This $30 million not-for-profit organization is the world's largest and most successful gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program.

We all live in a highly competitive, capitalist environment, and as such, we drive toward higher and higher levels of success. Meanwhile, we miss what's going on under our noses; we may not notice our children, marriages, families, and friends drift away.

Sadly, we don't even notice as our humanity drifts away. We are climbing to be on top while failing our society's poor and forgotten people. We create systems that make it impossible to be part of the American dream, particularly if someone has had a dark past. But what can we do?

Our guest for the next two episodes is Thomas Vozzo. Thomas Vozzo left a very lucrative career in corporate America, convinced there had to be a better way to define success. In 2012, Thomas became the first-ever CEO of Homeboy Industries. This $30 million not-for-profit organization is the world's largest and most successful gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry program. Thomas is also the author of, The Homeboy Way: A Radical Approach to Business and Life.



Social Media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/homeboyind   



Part 2) The Massive Upside of Hiring Felons

  • Why and How Successful Businesses Can make a Difference to Those on The Fringes
  • The American Dream and 40 Years of The Same Poverty Rate
  • George's Story: The Impossible Hurdles of Staying Straight
  • The Insane Debt of Going to Prison
  • Why Organizations Need to Employ The Working Poor
  • The Massive Upside of Hiring Felons
  • In Quest of Joy!
  • Generosity for The Face Tattooed Gang Member

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Published on 2 years ago

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