Alabama’s Sec. Of State, Wes Allen promised to withdraw Alabama from ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) and manage the state’s voter data. Every 60 days people’s names, dates of birth, partial social security numbers were sent to a private out-of-state group with no way to check or audit the data ERIC returned to the state. Alabama voters want paper ballots, which Allen will keep. Voting machines will never be hooked up to the internet or blue tooth, or have any capability of being connected. Alabamans want an election day and not an election month. Allen says Voter ID is an absolute must to guarantee no voter fraud at the polls. Alabama votes and counts votes at precincts not at a central counting center so that results are known on election night except for very close races. The result will be transparent, secure elections in Alabama. GUEST: WES ALLEN, ALABAMA SECRETARY OF STATE See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Published on 1 year, 11 months ago
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