#106 - Totally Nutballs & Perfectly Wet; Principals of a Soil Moisture Sensor
Maybe you think soul moisture sensors don't work, and that's okay, you can call me out. I will agree that weather-based ET controllers have the potential to be better than a timer, however, I would argue that mass adoption is low, and for the systems are out in the wild, a majority of them do not operate correctly, and they leave a shit ton of doubt in the mind of the consumer.
I would also say that before you take a stance before you disagree with me, when was the last time you installed and programmed an irrigation system to run fully automatically using a soil moisture sensor?
If your answer is never, then you need to listen, learn, and give it a try, before you take a position.
So I just mentioned that I think that weather-based system mass adoption is low, and for the systems are out in the wild, a majority of them do not operate correctly, and they leave a shit ton of doubt in the mind of the consumer. And I believe that if you asked a random stranger on a park bench, or the next person that you sit next to on an airplane, what tool would be best suited to automate a sprinkler system, they would guess a soil moisture sensor. And then, when you tell them that this technology is not readily available, they will be shocked! I say, "readily available", because although it is available, it is either too costly for the everyday system, or too basic and doesn't provide the correct data or automation.
Published on 1 year, 11 months ago