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29. RV Cooking, and Roswell Is More Than Aliens

Episode 29

On today's jam-packed RV Miles Podcast episode, we cover the surprisingly beautiful Roswell, New Mexico area. Aliens abound - the truth is out there! But really, Roswell is full of off-the-beaten-path natural beauty, and we'll tell you where to find it. We also talk with Chef Hardcore, who writes our RV Epicure column, about cooking in an RV. What gear, gadgets, and ingredients to bring along, and how to ditch the recipe and get creative with your own food. In the news, a cool new Vegas experience, buying national park entry in advance online, and a sad incident at Zion National Park.


Here's an article from space.com with some images of the SpaceX rocket leaving the atmosphere that we saw. No images even do it remotely justice: https://www.space.com/39620-skywatchers-see-spacex-falcon-heavy-third-burn.html

If you missed it last week, here again is the walk-thru tour of our "skoolie": https://youtu.be/_fTwZ9_BPO4

Here's the feature on us in Round the World Families (look for us under the "Trabue-Epperson Family"): http://rtwfamilies.com/the-big-travel-questions/how-do-you-educate-your-kids/

The news about Yellowstone's (and more) pre-purchase entrance passes: http://rvmiles.com/yellowstone-now-offering-pre-purchase-digital-entrance-passes/

The cool new immersive projection experience, bringing unrestored signs to life at Vegas's Neon Museum: http://rvmiles.com/neon-museum-las-vegas-launches-immersive-projection-experience-bringing-unrestored-signs-life/

The sad news of the fallen hiker in Zion National Park: http://rvmiles.com/hiker-dies-fall-zion-national-park/

Interview with Chef Hardcore: 

Visit Chef's spice store at hardcoresmokehouse.com

Check out his RVEpicure series at http://rvmiles.com/category/rvepicure/

And Instagram @RVEpicure

Roswell, New Mexico:

Our home for the week - Bottomless Lakes State Park - was more than just RV parking: http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/spd/bottomlesslakesstatepark.html

Big D's Downtown Dive gets a full review in our new Road Eats series: http://rvmiles.com/road-eats-inventive-diner-fare-big-ds-downtown-dive-roswell-nm/

The International UFO Museum and Research Center may be over-titled, but it's not over-priced: http://www.roswellufomuseum.com/

And the big hit hidden gem for the week was the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge: https://www.fws.gov/refuge/bitter_lake/

Published on 6 years, 11 months ago

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