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#100 - You NEED This Tool; Inside the Mind of Sole Saver™ CEO, and Professional Irrigator, Sam Dahrouj


Could there be a better way? Could there be a better way to dig?

In this episode, Andy speaks with Sam Dahrouj, the inventor of Sole Saver™.

Sole Saver™ is like having a HAMMER for your BOOT. It removes unnecessary strain so you can work more efficiently than ever before.


"I invented the tool to save my boots. When you're smashing on a shovel all day, it puts a hole in the bottom of the sole very quickly. If you're owner-operator and you buy your guys their PPE, their work boots. At a lot of the larger companies, they'll get a boot allowance, one boot allowance for a season, right?

But you know, as an irrigator, that doesn't fly. You need a boot, a pair of boots, every 30 to 45 days due to the top lip of the shovel, putting a hole in the bottom of the boot. And depending on where you hit the shovel, it could actually tear a brand new boot right up real quickly. And as an irrigator, you know, you're in the water.

So that puncture just compromised the entire boot and yourself. So, that guy isn't gonna be as efficient, he's not going to want to dig, and he is not going to be confident on the shovel anymore.

And this is why I invented Sole Saver™."



Boss & Hoss Irrigation 

Sole Saver


Published on 2 years, 1 month ago

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