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Keith Ferrazzi : Part 1 of 2,  Leading Without Authority

Keith Ferrazzi : Part 1 of 2, Leading Without Authority

Command and Control is Dead, but what's next?

Moreover, how can we practically step into the next evolution of leadership?

The answer is: The New Power of Co-Elevation



Keith Ferrazzi

Our guest for the next two episodes is Keith Ferrazzi.

Keith Ferrazzi is a multiple #1 NYT bestselling author of "Never Eat Alone" & "Who’s Got Your Back?" He’s an entrepreneur, Founder & Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight. He's an executive team coach to some of the most prominent organizations in the world. To name but a few: The world Bank, Delta Airlines, and General Motors. He’s a highly recognized thought leader whose wisdom and insights are in demand at the

highest levels. He's a frequent contributor to publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, WSJ, and Fast Company. Recently, Keith has been at the forefront of remote team transitions his published research appears in Harvard Business Review. He's also the author of a brand new book that is truly transformative and it's titled:  “Leading Without Authority" More about Keith Ferrazzi and the massive resources he's making exclusively available to you for being a Leadership and Loyalty listener, Here's your exclusive link: http://KeithFerrazzi.com/loyalty 



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 "Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"










Published on 1 year, 5 months ago

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