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#088 - What You Think About

"You become what you think about."  

1956 - That was the year Earl Nightingale recorded the motivational speech titled, "The Strangest Secret", and the secret he delivered was the concept, "you become what you think about."

2002 - That was the year I discovered (purchased) a CD version of this speech from Barnes & Noble in Columbia, Maryland. I was fresh out of college and had started my first sales job for Chapel Valley Landscape Company;  irrigation sales of course! 

Earl's simple little phrase changed my life - it was like everything just clicked. I got it. Everything just magically grew into place. Not quickly, and not in any particular order, but everything that I thought about back then, has now become (mostly) true.

Not only do you become what you think about; the power is that everything becomes a choice. You have a choice. You get to choose all of it.

Equally important is that who you choose to be, only matters to you. Not to anyone else. 

I often get caught here. Being or doing something that isn't exactly true to me. Learning to focus on what I really want takes both practice and intention. What do I want? Who do I want to be?  

What has helped, is choosing to surround myself with people who get me, who support me, and who help me become the best version of my future self.

Thank you for being here with me, I appreciate all of you, and I love hearing from you - even one sprinkler at a time ;)

Are you who you thought you would be?

I'd love to know.

Published on 2 years, 3 months ago

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