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#087 - Entrepreneurs Don't Complain About Problems

"Entrepreneurs don't complain about problems -- they solve them".  

This quote is from Porter Erisman, the former Vice President of Alibaba Group, joining the company just as it moved out of founder Jack Ma's apartment. In Porter's new book, Alibaba's World, he wrote about this concept and it hit me hard!

Could this be why people often refer to me as positive? Are all entrepreneurs positive? Perhaps, and, either way, it got me thinking about different personality types, and what makes an entrepreneur tick.

Through my lens, problems really are just opportunities that are yet to be solved. What could be an interesting way to reframe this, is that not all problems need to be solved, and when you look like that, the problem becomes a choice.

To solve or not to solve, that is the answer! Yes, no, or not yet...

Either way, the problem is no longer a problem, and there is no need to complain.

Published on 2 years, 3 months ago

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