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Amanpour: Beto O'Rourke, Ed Yong, Vincent R. Stewart, Margo Price and Jeremy Ivey

Amanpour: Beto O'Rourke, Ed Yong, Vincent R. Stewart, Margo Price and Jeremy Ivey

Beto O'Rourke, former Democratic congressman and presidential candidate, joins Christiane Amanpour from El Paso, Texas to discuss the spike in cases across several states in the United States. He says Trump’s leadership is ‘deadly and dangerous’. Then Ed Yong, staff writer at The Atlantic, argues why this surge was predictable and preventable. And from one pandemic to another – our Walter Isaacson speaks to retired general Vincent R. Stewart about racism in America. Stewart, the first African American director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, talks about his experiences of racial prejudice and how he was compelled to say enough is enough in his recent op ed. And finally, anti-establishment singer-songwriter Margo Price reflects on country music, gender inequality and racism in 2020 America and why she’s not afraid to rail against it. To end the show, her husband and fellow band mate Jeremy Ivey joins to perform “Gone to Stay” from their new album.

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Published on 4 years, 6 months ago

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