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RBS 080: 0% Long Term Capital Gains Tax--Is it Legit?

Episode 80

How long term capital gains are taxed is a source of confusion for many. Some of the questions I've heard--

Can long-term capital gains put me in a higher tax bracket for ordinary income?
Does my ordinary income affect my capital gains tax?
Is there really a 0% tax bracket for long term capital gains and how does it work.

To be clear, I am not a tax professional. I have spent a lot of time study this issue, particularly as I enter retirement with much lower ordinary income.

In this video we'll look at the mechanics of long term capital gains tax, including how to works with ordinary income and deductions. We'll also cover something called the bump zones, where ordinary income can push us into higher long term capital gains tax rates. 

We'll cover three tax planning strategies in retirement and how long term capital gains tax can help us pay less in taxes.

Published on 2 years, 4 months ago

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