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112 - From sound to meaning in Mandarin: Beyond tīng bu dǒng, part 2

112 - From sound to meaning in Mandarin: Beyond tīng bu dǒng, part 2

Season 1 Episode 112

Listening comprehension is essential when learning Chinese, but if we want to improve, we need to move beyond tīng bu dǒng and identify what the problem really is.

Link to article: Beyond tīng bu dǒng, part 2: From sound to meaning in Mandarin: https://www.hackingchinese.com/beyond-ting-bu-dong-part-2-from-sound-to-meaning-in-mandarin

Link to the first article in this series: :Beyond tīng bu dǒng, part 1: A guide to Chinese listening comprehension: https://www.hackingchinese.com/beyond-ting-bu-dong-part-1-a-guide-to-chinese-listening-comprehension

#learnchinese #listening #comprehension #bottom-up

Hacking Chinese Pronunciation: Speaking with Confidence: https://www.hackingchinese.com/courses/mandarin-chinese-pronunciation-course/

Learning the third tone in Mandarin Chinese: https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-the-third-tone-mandarin-chinese/

What’s the difference between Chinese pronunciation and Pinyin? Does it matter? https://www.hackingchinese.com/whats-the-difference-chinese-pronunciation-and-pinyin-does-matter/

Learning to understand regionally accented Mandarin: https://www.hackingchinese.com/learning-to-understand-regionally-accented-mandarin/

Learning to hear the sounds and tones in Mandarin: https://www.hackingchinese.com/how-to-learn-to-hear-the-sounds-tones-in-mandarin/

Chinese listening strategies: Improving listening speed: https://www.hackingchinese.com/listening-strategies-improving-listening-speed/

The building blocks of Chinese, part 5: Making sense of Chinese words: https://www.hackingchinese.com/the-building-blocks-of-chinese-part-5-making-sense-of-chinese-words/

The building blocks of Chinese, part 6: Learning and remembering compound words: https://www.hackingchinese.com/how-to-learn-words-really-fast/

Listen to this and other episodes on your favourite podcasting platform, including Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify and YouTube: https://www.hackingchinese.com/podcast

More information and inspiration about learning and teaching Chinese can be found over at https://www.hackingchinese.com

Music: "Traxis 1 ~ F. Benjamin" by Traxis, 2020 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)

Published on 2 years, 5 months ago

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