Sadly, there can be several different kinds of tough times. Some tough times torment just a neighborhood or even just one family. Other tough times impact an entire nation or even many nations. Some tough times are on account of health, others are financial, some are political and military turmoil, and occasionally, tough times can comprise several simultaneous threats. But regardless, these ten tips, tools, and techniques are useful in all troublesome times. I explain each of these in depth during the show:
1) Become a generalist
2) Today’s strategic timeline ends tonight
3) Insulate yourself from public panic, fear, & hysteria
4) Make connections
5) Cash is king
6) Your life and the lives of those you love are more valuable to you than to the ‘authorities’
7) Be capable of defending yourself
8) Force yourself to be happy and grateful
9) Keep yourself, your clothing, & your habitation clean
10) Write! Write! Write!
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Published on 4 years, 9 months ago
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