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110 - Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course

110 - Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course

Season 1 Episode 110

What’s the best way to learn Chinese characters as a beginner? The Skritter character course is my  best attempt at answering that question.

Link to article: Kickstart your learning with the Skritter Character Course: https://www.hackingchinese.com/kickstart-your-learning-with-the-skritter-character-course/

Link to the course (use this link or coupon code HCSKRITTER to get 10% off): https://skritter.com/vocablists/view/5290918137167872?ref=hackingchinese&?coupon=HCSKRITTER 

#learnchinese #characters #course #skritter

Skritter on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SkritterHQ

Why spaced repetition software is uniquely well suited to learning Chinese characters: https://www.hackingchinese.com/why-spaced-repetition-software-is-uniquely-well-suited-to-learning-chinese-characters/

How to not teach Chinese characters to beginners: A 12-step approach: https://www.hackingchinese.com/how-to-not-teach-chinese-characters-to-beginners-a-12-step-approach/

Outlier Chinese Character Masterclass: https://www.outlier-linguistics.com/collections/chinese/products/how-to-learn-chinese-characters?rfsn=4170716.4415dd

Skritter review: Boosting your Chinese character learning: https://www.hackingchinese.com/skritter-chinese-review-boosting-your-character-learning/

Listen to this and other episodes on your favourite podcasting platform, including Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify and YouTube: https://www.hackingchinese.com/podcast

More information and inspiration about learning and teaching Chinese can be found over at https://www.hackingchinese.com

Music: "Traxis 1 ~ F. Benjamin" by Traxis, 2020 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)

Published on 2 years, 6 months ago

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